Since 1965, Gilardi has conceived Tappeto-Natura to concretize a dream: the dream of an ideal nature, uncontaminated, “recreated” through an artificial material like polyurethane foam, which takes shape through the intaglio (carving) technique and is then saturated with synthetic pigment – at first dissolved in vinyl resin, and later, in rubber latex. During this era, the artist’s intent was to create real “aesthetic objects of practical use” that overcome the dualism between art and technology; natural and artificial; body and world. It was possible to walk, lie down and have a multisensory experience of art and life on these soft rugs. Focus and aim were redirected towards the infinite possibilities of these works and towards creating everyday interactions with each individual consumer.
Immagine di repertorio Fondazione Centro Studi Piero Gilardi
“Gretto di Torrente” Piero Gilardi
“Tappeto Natura” Magazzino italian art 2022 – 23
Rita Reif su piero Gilardi
The New York Times , 11/9/1967